Competitive Sectors Programme (CSP) is an umbrella program under the financial cooperation between European Union and Turkey that is designed to improve the competitiveness of the enterprises in internal and foreign markets and gathers in itself the Operational Programmes implemented in 7-year periods. CSP, that is implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, aims to increase productivity, accelerate industrialization, and develop a competitive production structure for export.
Competitive Sectors Programme (CSP) First Term (2007-2013)
In the period between 2007-2013, “Regional Competitiveness Operational Program (RCOP)” was implemented which aims to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. With approximately 520 million Euro budget, 46 projects were supported in 43 provinces where per capita income in these regions are below the 75 percent average of Turkey.
Competitive Sectors Programme (CSP) Second Term (2014-2020)
In the period covering the years 2014-2020, the “Competitiveness and Innovation Sector Operational Programme (CISOP)” is implemented, which supports project ideas that aim to increase the competitiveness of our country by reducing the foreign trade deficit and increasing productivity, especially R&D and innovation projects.
Within the scope of CISOP, aiming to contribute to the transformation of the manufacturing industry; financial support is provided to projects that bring SMEs access to new technologies, implement R&D activities, encourage public-private sector cooperation, use innovative production methods and develop new products. CISOP that provides approximately 260 million euros, enabled project application from all 81 provinces of Turkey.